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Hazenfratz M & Taylor SM
Recurrent seizures in cats: Treatment - which antiepileptic drugs are recommended?

J Feline Med Surg, 20(9): , 2018
ISSN: 1098-612X Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (PubMed)

Practical relevance: Seizures are one of the most common neurological problems recognized in cats, affecting approximately 1-3% of the general population. Treatment options and prognosis are closely related to the underlying cause, so it is important that veterinarians are familiar with the diagnostic approach to cats with seizures and options for medical management. Series outline: This is the second of a two-part article series that reviews the diagnosis and treatment of seizures in cats. Part 2 describes chronic medical treatment options and prognosis for cats with recurrent seizures, and acute treatment of status epilepticus. Audience: This review of recurrent seizures in cats is intended for all veterinarians who are facing the challenges of seizure diagnosis and management in the feline patient. Evidence base: Recommendations for diagnosis and management of feline seizure disorders have historically been extrapolated from the canine and human literature. The information and guidance provided in this two-part series is based on a review of the recent published literature addressing seizure disorders and antiepileptic treatment in cats, as well as the authors' clinical experience.

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