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Monteiro R, Anderson TJ, Innocent G, Evans NP & Penderis J
Variations in serum concentration of phenobarbitone in dogs receiving regular twice daily doses in relation to the times of administration.

Vet Rec, 165(19): 556-558, 2009
ISSN: 0042-4900 The Veterinary Record (PubMed)

The laboratory records of 1427 client-owned dogs on chronic phenobarbitone treatment were analysed. They were divided into two groups: the 918 dogs from which blood samples were collected at the trough, that is, within two hours before the next dose of phenobarbitone, and the 509 dogs from which samples were taken during the non-trough period. There were no significant differences between the mean serum concentrations of phenobarbitone in the trough and non-trough samples from dogs receiving doses ranging from 2 mg/kg per day to more than 10 mg/kg per day. However, the higher doses of phenobarbitone were associated with progressively lower phenobarbitone concentrations in the trough group relative to the non-trough group, and this difference was significant at doses of more than 10 mg/kg per day.

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