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Pearce PC & Kock RA
Physiological effects of etorphine, acepromazine and xylazine on the black fallow deer (Dama dama).

Res Vet Sci, 46(3): 380-386, 1989
ISSN: 0034-5288 Research in Veterinary Science (PubMed)

Confined and unconfined fallow deer (Dama dama) of the black variety kept at Whipsnade Park were sedated with etorphine in combination with acepromazine, or xylazine or both, with or without atropine. Induction, sedation and recovery times were recorded. During the period under sedation, systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures, electrocardiographs, body temperature, arterial blood gas pressures and pH, packed cell volume and plasma electrolytes and enzymes were monitored. In both groups, and with all drug combinations, heart rates (except where atropine was used and respiratory rates were depressed, pulmonary arterial pressures were elevated, and blood oxygen tension and pH lowered compared with interspecies norms. In confined animals, systemic arterial pressures were depressed. Unconfined animals and animals in which atropine was used showed higher and more varied systemic arterial pressures and more varied heart rates. Cardiac arrests occurred in eight animals, five during induction and three during sedation, one of which was revived with oxygen. Severe arrhythmia occurred in an animal in which atrioventricular block was confirmed and reversed by oxygen treatment.

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