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Kohn AN, Moss AP, Hargett NA, Ritch R, Smith H & Podos SM
Clinical comparison of dipivalyl epinephrine and epinephrine in the treatment of glaucoma.

Am J Ophthalmol, 87(2): 196-201, 1979
ISSN: 0002-9394 American Journal of Ophthalmology (PubMed)

Dipivalyl epinephrine, 0.1%, though slightly less effective in decreasing intraocular pressure, showed significantly fewer side effects than epinephrine hydrochloride, 2%. Seventeen patients with symmetrically increased intraocular pressures who completed a six-month double-masked crossover study showed a significant decrease in intraocular pressure averaging 23.7% for dipivalyl epinephrine over the entire study and 27.4% for epinephrine. In the first treatment period, dipivalyl epinephrine was slightly less effective than epinephrine. In the second treatment period, dipivalyl epinephrine was statistically less effective than epinephrine. Two of the original 25 patients were dropped from the study because of epinephrine allergy or intolerance, one had uncontrolled pressures with either drug, and five failed to maintain adequate follow-up. Complaints of side effects such as burning and irritation occurred much more frequently in eyes receiving epinephrine (24%) than dipivalyl epinephrine (3%). Mild mydriasis occurred with each drug, averaging +0.65 mm with dipivalyl epinephrine and +0.55 mm Hg with epinephrine. No effect on blood pressure or pulse rate was found for the two drugs.

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