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Ghishan FK & Meneely RL
Intestinal maturation: the effect of glucocorticoids on in vivo net magnesium and calcium transport in the rat.

Life Sci, 31(2): 133-138, 1982
ISSN: 0024-3205 Life Sciences (1973) (PubMed)

We investigated with an in vivo single pass perfusion technique, the effect of glucocorticoids on net magnesium and calcium absorption from the small and large intestine of suckling and adolescent rats. In control rats, rates of net magnesium and calcium absorption were several fold greater in both small and large intestinal segments of suckling rats compared to corresponding rates in segments of adolescent rats. Methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg body weight daily for three days, suppressed significantly net magnesium and calcium absorption from the small and large intestinal segments of suckling rats only. Methylprednisolone had no effect on either net magnesium or calcium absorption in adolescent rats. The mechanism(s) responsible for the observed decrease in net magnesium and calcium absorption in the suckling period by glucocorticoids are discussed.

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