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John CD & Buckingham JC
Cytokines: regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis.

Curr Opin Pharmacol, 3(1): 78-84, 2003
ISSN: 1471-4892 Current Opinion in Pharmacology (PubMed)

Many of the pro-inflammatory cytokines that are released in response to immune/inflammatory insults exert marked stimulatory influences on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Thus, they provoke the release of glucocorticoids that, in turn, temper the ensuing immune/inflammatory response, and thereby complete a homeostatic neuroendocrine loop. The mechanisms by which cytokines cause glucocorticoid release are complex and can be affected by repeated or sustained cytokine exposure, gender and age, or counter-regulatory mechanisms.

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