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Nout YS, Hinchcliff KW, Samii VF, Kohn CW, Jose-Cunilleras E & Reed SM
Chronic pulmonary disease with radiographic interstitial opacity (interstitial pneumonia) in foals.

Equine Vet J, 34(6): 542-548, 2002
ISSN: 0425-1644 Equine Veterinary Journal (PubMed)

Twelve foals, age 3-9 months, examined at The Ohio State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital between 1995 and 2000 were diagnosed with chronic pulmonary disease associated with marked interstitial opacity on radiographic examination. The most characteristic features were a history of respiratory disease of 1-3 months duration, marked clinical signs of respiratory disease, failure to yield a consistent pathogen from tracheobronchial aspirates and a predominantly interstitial pattern on thoracic radiographs. We attributed these signs to chronic interstitial pneumonia. Foals were treated with broad spectrum antimicrobial and corticosteroid drugs. All 12 foals were discharged alive from hospital and, of the 10 available for follow-up, all were disease-free and performing to expectation 5 months to 5 years after discharge. We conclude that chronic interstitial pneumonia, occuring in foals, is associated with a good prognosis and that corticosteroid therapy may be useful in its treatment.

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