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Schumacher J, Spano JS, Wilson RC, DeGraves FJ, Duran SH & Ruffin DC
Caffeine clearance in the horse.

Vet Res Commun, 18(5): 367-372, 1994
ISSN: 0165-7380 Veterinary Research Communications (PubMed)

The pharmacokinetic properties of intravenously administered caffeine were studied in 10 horses using a commercially available automated enzyme immunoassay. The harmonic mean for the distribution half-life was 5.2 min (range 1.4-18.7). The harmonic mean for the elimination half-life was 10.18 h (range 6.82-20.92). The harmonic mean of the volume of distribution was 0.32 L/kg (range 0.22-0.53). There was no correlation between the dose of caffeine/kg body weight and the elimination half-life (Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation = 0.19).

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