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Scott DW, Miller WH Jr, Cayatte SM & Bagladi MS
Efficacy of tylosin tablets for the treatment of pyoderma due to Staphylococcus intermedius infection in dogs.

Can Vet J, 35(10): 617-621, 1994
ISSN: 0008-5286 The Canadian Veterinary Journal (PubMed)

Tylosin tablets (20 mg/kg, q12h) were administered orally to 21 dogs with superficial or deep staphylococcal pyodermas. Response to therapy was excellent in 90.5% of the dogs, and in vitro susceptibility testing correlated perfectly with therapeutic response. Duration of therapy varied from 17 to 91 days, with an average of 33 days. Relapses occurred in 28.6% of the dogs within a three-month period. No side effects were reported. Under the conditions of the study, tylosin was an effective and safe antibiotic for the treatment of staphylococcal pyoderma in dogs.

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