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Giorgi M & Bertini S
TANAX (T-61): an overview.

Pharmacol Res, 41(4): 379-383, 2000
ISSN: 1043-6618 Pharmacological Research (PubMed)

In this overview the authors describe the use of Tanax (T-61) for euthanasia. Tanax is a solution with three components (embutramide, mebenzonium iodide and tetracaine hydrochloride) used for painless death in pets and laboratory animals. It is also used for malicious intoxication in animals and for suicide attempts in humans. After a description of the modality and outcome of intoxication, the authors report the secondary toxic effects evoked by N, N -dimethyl-formamide, the solvent employed to dissolve the three components of Tanax. Finally, the analytical methods used to identify Tanax components in biological fluids and tissues are described.

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