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McTier TL, Shanks DJ, Wren JA, Six RH, Bowman DD et al
Efficacy of selamectin against experimentally induced and naturally acquired infections of Toxocara cati and Ancylostoma tubaeforme in cats.

Vet Parasitol, 91(3-4): 311-319, 2000
ISSN: 0304-4017 Veterinary Parasitology (

The efficacy of selamectin against experimentally induced and naturally acquired infections of adult ascarids (Toxocara call) and adult hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme) was evaluated in five controlled studies in cats. Two studies evaluated the efficacy of selamectin against both ascarid (natural or induced) and hookworm (induced) infections; two studies evaluated the efficacy of selamectin against single natural infections of T. cati or A. tubaeforme; and the fifth study evaluated the efficacy of selamectin against induced infections of A. tubaeforme. Cats received selamectin topically in unit doses designed to deliver a minimum of 6 mg kg-1. Treatments were applied to the skin on each animal's back at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae. For experimentally induced infections, cats were inoculated orally with approximately 500 embryonated eggs of T. cati 56 days prior to treatment and/or approximately 150-250 larvae (L-3) of A. tubaeforme 30 or 42 days prior to treatment. For both induced and naturally acquired infections, cats were allocated randomly to treatments (6-12 cats per treatment) on the basis of fecal egg counts to receive either selamectin or a vehicle containing the inert formulation ingredients. In all studies, adult worm counts were performed at necropsy 14 days after the last treatment administration. Against T. cati, a single application of selamectin provided a 100% reduction in the geometric mean number of adult worms for both experimentally induced and naturally acquired infections. Against A. tubaeforme, a single administration of selamectin provided a 99.4% reduction in the geometric mean number of adult worms in cats with natural infections, and an 84.7-99.7% reduction in adult worms in cats with induced infections. Two doses of selamectin administered at monthly intervals provided a 91.9% reduction in the geometric mean number of adult A. tubaeforme worms in cats with experimentally induced infections. The geometric mean numbers of adult worms (T. cati and A. tubaeforme) from selamectin-treated eats were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.0018) lower than for vehicle-treated cats in all studies. Thus, a single topical unit dosage providing a minimum dosage of 6 mg kg-1 selamectin was highly effective in the treatment of naturally acquired and experimentally induced infections of T. cati and A. tubaeforme in cats.

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