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Hung AL
Chemotherapeutic efficacy of imidocarb dipropionate on experimental Eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep.

Trop Anim Health Prod, 18(2): 97-102, 1986
ISSN: 0049-4747 Tropical Animal Health and Production (PubMed)

Non-splenectomised Cheviot and Soay sheep experimentally infected with Eperythrozoon ovis were treated subcutaneously with two doses of 4 mg/kg of imidocarb dipropionate 24 hours apart. A rapid reduction in E. ovis parasitaemias following the first injection of imidocarb was observed and E. ovis organisms were not demonstrable 48 hours after the first treatment. However, recrudescences of infection were observed 14 and 28 days after treatment in the Soay and Cheviot sheep respectively. Side-effects associated with treatment were registered in the Cheviot sheep but not in the Soay sheep.

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