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Penzhorn BL, Lewis BD, De Waal DT & Lopez Rebollar LM
Sterilisation of Babesia canis infections by imidocarb alone or in combination with diminazene.

J S Afr Vet Assoc, 66: 157-159, 1995
ISSN: 1019-9128 Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (PubMed)

Babesia canis infections were apparently sterilised by a single dose of imidocarb at 7,5 mg kg-1, as well as by a single dose of diminazene at 3,5 mg kg-1, followed by a single dose of imidocarb at 6 mg kg-a1 the following day. This was confirmed by subinoculation of blood from these dogs to splenectomised recipients. Sterilisation of the infection is not recommended in endemic areas; a more rational approach would be to allow a state of premunity to develop in dogs at risk to repeated infections.

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