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Cuddon PA
Metabolic encephalopathies.

Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 26(4): 893-923, 1996
ISSN: 0195-5616 The Veterinary Clinics of North America - Small Animal Practice (PubMed)

Numerous metabolic derangements originate from outside the CNS that potentially can have a profound effect on cerebral function. The pathogenesis of the resultant dysfunction to the cerebrum and other regions of the brain is extremely varied. However, the CNS can only react in limited ways to these results. Therefore, the veterinarian should recognize the clinical patterns of neurologic signs associated with the metabolic encephalopathies, sift through the multiple potential causes with the aid of other accompanying extracranial clinical signs and clues from biochemical data, understand the underlying pathogenesis of the cerebral dysfunction, and, finally, formulate a rational plan of treatment. Though immediate attention is often directed at restoring homeostasis to the CNS, success is only ultimately achieved via correct and timely treatment of the underlying metabolic disease. Only then does strong potential exist for a permanent reversal of the neurologic deficit.

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